Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Merriweather Lewis, barely...

A most difficult 75 miles, but very beautiful.
How do you spell "jettison"?
Must getrid of many things.
Too heavy to pull up these mtns.
Took 7 hrs. But a great sense of accomp.
(My bluegra4s music is not a hit w RVers
Much more tomorrow
Have a good night and thnks for following
Over and out from the colorful hills(mtns) of Tennessee
Fredrica and John from Maine, local police and sheriff (who caught me hitchhiking back to camp tonight) ,d gave me a ride all say "Hello"


  1. Safe Travels Tony. Will be following your adventure.

  2. "Sir, you will find the shortest & most convenient route of communication between the Tennessee and the Gulf of Mexico, within the temperate latitudes."

  3. " Get a bicycle. You will not regret it. If you live."--------Mark Twain
